Essential Oils

Thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris)

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Sources:  Mediterranean Europe and Africa
Extraction: Steam distilled
Note: Middle
Scent: strong, sweet, herbal
Key points:  

  • Good antiseptic
  • Useful for respiratory diseases

Properties:  antiseptic, anti-bacterial, antispasmodic, expectorant, insecticide, stimulant
Uses:  stimulate immune system, disinfectant, colds, flu, sinusitis, coughs , increase mental clarity
Cautions: Do not use during pregnancy. Do not use if you have high blood pressure.  Skin and mucus membrane irritant.

Geraniol: antiviral
Linalol: antiseptic
Thujanol: stimulating, antiviral
Thymol: anti-infection, stimulant but also an irritant (Schnaubelt)
Metcalfe states CT Linalol is less harsh but an effective antimicrobial and good for coughs, colds, immune system

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